What does it mean

I was just reading through the bungie weekly update and I read this...

"We’re going to have more to tell you about how Halo one and two look on 360, and it’s all good news."

What could that mean??!??!?!?!

check it out here.


Curtis said…
hopefully master cheif will look as good as his female counterpart in the upcoming Xbox 360 DOA game (seen here: http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/dead-or-alive/hires-female-spartan-screens-132626.php)...
Curtis said…
next-gen thinks this just means a higher framerate or shinier models. I say poo to that. We want Master Chief skivies!
Curtis said…
here's the link

Dr. Seuss said…
Personally I wouldn't want to see the master chief in his boxers, but cortana on the other hand.......
I'm not going any further because I am already on my way to nerd land....

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