Xbox 360 reaches out to indie game developers

Greg Canessa, Group Manager of Xbox Casual Games at Microsoft, is trying to reach out to independant and small-scale game developers with the Xbox 360 . No word of any kind of discounted Xbox 360 dev kits or anything, not yet at least, but this is still cool to hear. Why would you want to work in a cg-sweatshop at a bigger studio when you can go small and build your game by yourself or with your own team? It will be interesting to see how this plays out though.
Greg Canessa called the original Xbox Live a dry run, with the 360's version of Live Arcade as a more true realization of what they imagined. It is all dash based with live links to downloads, trial play, special game achievements, Leaderboard settings for all games, multi-player, and even retro arcade classics with Live support for multi-player.


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